Welcome to the Authortunities Hub

Not all who wander are lost, but the right map can get you there in half the time.

🌳Welcome, authortunist!

We bring together aspiring authors to choose their own writing adventures so that we can achieve our quests together in an algorithm free community invested in the concept of radical generosity. Our community thrives in an atmosphere of reciprocation, balance and flow.

πŸƒWrite your own path.

  • Collaborating with other authors.
  • Connecting with open mics for poets and prosers.
  • Cohesive group of authors that act as a submission support network.
  • Continuing education in both guided and recorded classes and workshops.

Check out our weekly calendar newsletter!

More submitting and less searching with Authortunities, a weekly calendar of author opportunities organized by date and emoji. Click the logo to find it on Substack.